8 Essential Tips for Conserving Water This Summer 

Water Consumption, Conservation, Faucet, Leak, Plumbing, Plumbing & Drain, Summer, Water Bill, Water Usage

Summer is here, and that means so is all the fun summer activities! However, summer is also a time when our water use significantly increases, putting a strain on this valuable resource. As a homeowner, you may be seeking ways to reduce your water bills and minimize your ecological footprint – a challenge during the hot summer months.  

We are here to help! So, here are eight expert tips from Blue Ash Plumbing & Drain to help you conserve water this summer, without letting your lawn wilt, diminishing the curb appeal of your garden, or compromising your home comfort. 

What Is Your Approach to Cleaning Produce? 

Does your family go through a lot of fresh produce each week? Instead of letting the tap run for each item, consider filling a large bowl with water and cleaning your produce in it. This method not only conserves water but can also be reused to hydrate your indoor plants, which is a double benefit! 

How Do You Tackle the Dishes? 

Did you know that washing dishes by hand can consume up to 20 gallons of water? It may seem like you’re not using much water while scrubbing those plates, but when the tap is left running, water usage quickly adds up. While some may find hand washing calming, it is not always the most water-efficient method.  

Modern, energy-efficient dishwashers can use as little as 4 gallons of water per load. So, if you are able to, try to opt to use the dishwasher instead. For dishes that require a hand wash, avoid leaving the water running continuously. Instead, fill one sink with soapy water and another for rinsing. If you don’t have a two-sided sink, you can enforce this same concept with a basin, too. 

What’s Your Strategy for Thawing Frozen Food? 

A bit of planning can save you water at dinnertime. Instead of using continuous running water to defrost frozen items (a method practiced by many), consider transferring them from the freezer to the fridge the night or two before. This approach conserves water and still ensures safe defrosting of your food. 

What is Your Laundry Routine? 

  • Do You Only Wash Full Loads? To enhance efficiency, operate your washer only when it is fully loaded. This practice conserves both water and energy by reducing the number of wash cycles required, leading to significant water savings. 
  • Do You Use the Permanent Press Setting? This mode initiates an extra rinse, consuming additional water. So, unless necessary for specific garments, it is advisable to avoid this setting to conserve water. 

How often do you water your lawn and garden? 

Watering your garden during the peak heat of the day results in significant water loss due to evaporation. So, instead, it is advisable to water your plants early in the morning or later in the evening to ensure that the water reaches the roots. This approach allows your plants to absorb the moisture effectively and prolongs water retention. 


Do you have a pool? Using a cover can significantly reduce water loss due to evaporation when the pool is not in use. Additionally, a pool cover helps maintain cleanliness and reduces the need for chemicals. 

What Is Your Mulch Layer Thickness? 

Applying mulch in your garden beds is an excellent method for controlling weed growth and also retaining soil moisture! A heavy layer of mulch reduces sunlight exposure, cools the soil, and minimizes evaporation. Consequently, this results in less frequent watering and a flourishing garden. 

How Long Have Your Fixtures Been Leaking? 

A drip here, a leak there – a leaky faucet, an outdoor spigot, or a perpetually running toilet can waste a significant amount of water over time. It all adds up. To prevent this, you should regularly inspect your indoor and outdoor fixtures for leaks and address them promptly if you find any. Neglecting these issues will not only increase water consumption due to the leaks but also potentially cause damage to your plumbing infrastructure. 

Remember, while these may appear to be small steps with minimal impact on your water bills, it’s important to recognize that every household is unique, and the cumulative effect of these measures can be significant. Adhering to these tips can substantially reduce your water consumption this summer.  

Call Blue Ash Plumbing & Drain by calling (513) 995-4898 or by clicking here to schedule an appointment now!